WGA Bylaws
(Revised 2017)
(Revised 2023) 

Article I

The name of the association is the Women’s Golf Association (WGA), founded in 1974.

Article II

The Association exists to promote and conserve for its leagues and their members the best interests and true spirit of the game of golf. It is dedicated to the principles that its leagues and their members have access to the services and activities regularly available at most golf courses. To this end its primary objectives are to:

a. provide administrative support for WGA leagues and their members in registering for WGA memberships and events,

b. follow the rules of golf as approved by the USGA as well as local rules of play,

c. subscribe to the World Handicap System through the Chicago District Golf Association (CDGA) and to use the current course rating and slope, for women certified by the local rating body,

d. sponsor the annual Guest Day, and

e. facilitate the annual WGA Championship in cooperation with the Wilmette Golf Club (WGC) professional.

Article III

Section 1
The membership shall comprise all players in the women’s golf leagues which have been approved by the Wilmette Park District Board for play at the Wilmette Golf Club. The golf leagues shall be open to all women who:

a. meet the membership requirements of the individual leagues,
b. pay annual WGA dues, and
c. establish and maintain a World handicap System handicap

Section 2
The acceptance of membership in the Association shall bind each member to uphold the Bylaws. and other rules and policies of the Association.

Article IV

Section 1: Annual Meeting
An annual meeting of the membership shall be held.

Section 2: Board Meeting
The Board shall meet at the call of the President. All meetings should have representation from each league.

Section 3: Meeting Format
Meeting formats may consist of a convened assembly, a telephonic communication system, an electronic link, or any combination thereof.

Article V
Composition and Duties of the Board

Section 1: Composition
The Board is composed of the President, the Presidents of each of the WGA leagues, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and Communications and Registration Directors.

Section 2: Terms of Office

a. the President shall serve a term of 1 year and following that term will be an advisor to the new President,

b. the league Presidents shall serve as long as they hold the office of President of their league. If a league President leaves their role of President for their respective league, the new President will become a member of the WGA Board, and

c. the Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications and Registration Directors shall serve a two (2) year term with the opportunity to renew for one (1) additional one (1) year term.

Section 3: Nominations and Elections

a. Criteria for nomination include the following:

1. the candidate for President will have served previously as a President for the WGA or one of its leagues, and
2. the candidates for Secretary, Treasurer and Directors of Communication will have been a member of one of the leagues for at least 3 years.

b. Elections: The Nominating Committee shall select a single slate of officers and directors, which will be submitted to the membership at least one week prior to the annual end of season meeting and a vote shall be taken at this meeting.

Section 3: Duties
The Board:

a. carries out the purpose and objectives of the Association in accord with the Bylaws,
b. provides members with timely communication, and
c. determines the amount of the annual membership dues.

Article VI
Duties of the Officers and Directors


a. calls and presides at all meetings of the Board,
b. arranges for and presides at the annual membership meeting,
c. appoints such committees as are necessary and serves as ex-officio member of them,
d. secures and distributes the WGA Silver Low Net Pins to each league,
e. secures the Women's Western Golf Association Gold Pin and presents it to WGA winner,
f. appoints the Audit Committee,
g. appoints the Chair of the Nominating Committee,
h. arranges to have the clubhouse award plaques updated to reflect the current season,
i. organizes the annual inter-league scheduling meeting to set the calendar for the following year, and
j. serves as an advisor to the new president in the year following the end of her term.

League Presidents

a. attend all Board meetings either in person or via some telephonic or electronic method,
b. represent the interests of their league members,
c. serve as members of the Nominating Committee and
d. provide their respective Board members and membership with information from the WGA at the leagues’ regularly scheduled meetings.


a. presides at the Board meeting in the absence of the President and covers other responsibilities of the President in her absence,
b. completes and distributes all agendas and minutes of the Board, and
c. keeps all official records of the Board.


a. monitors all the revenue of the WGA and approves all expenses,
b. disperses funds to the appropriate accounts of the WGA and the WGA leagues,
c. presents a monthly report on WGA accounts of receipts and disbursements to the WGA board,
d. completes a line-item budget for the following WGA year for review by the WGA Board, and
e. provides the Audit Committee with documents needed to perform the annual audit.

Communications Director(s)

a. assures the timeliness and accuracy of the information on the website,
b. works with the league Presidents to make sure that each leagues’ information is timely and accurate, and
c. develops a plan to promote the WGA and its leagues.


a. working with the Communications Director, provides an avenue, through the website, for women to register and pay for membership to the WGA, to join any of the women’s leagues, and to register for any other event deemed necessary, such as the WGA Championship,
b. prepares and distributes the WGA calendar of the next year’s events to the membership after the fall scheduling and approval,
c. monitors registration, and
d. provides periodic registration reports to membership chairs and treasurers of each of the leagues and to the WGA Board.

Article VII
Standing Committees

Section 1: Audit Committee
The Audit Committee shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the President. One of the members should be from the WGA Board. At the end of the fiscal year, the committee shall audit the books and financial processes of the WGA and submit a written report to the Board no later than the start of the following season.

Section 2: Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Presidents of the leagues. The President of the WGA will appoint one to serve as the Chair of the committee. The committee will provide the membership with a slate of officers two (2) weeks prior to the end of season membership meeting at which time a vote will be taken to elect the new officers.

Article VIII
Fiscal Year

The fiscal year extends from November 1 through October 31.

Article IX

Section 1: Bylaws
Amendments to the Bylaws of the Association may be made at the annual meeting, at a special meeting called for this purpose, or by an electronically distributed voting instrument. Two- thirds of those attending such a meeting or responding to an electronic survey shall constitute approval of the amendment. Notice shall be posted publicly or distributed electronically two weeks prior to the meeting or electronic vote. An opportunity for discussion, either in assembly or electronically, shall be provided.

Section 2: Standing Rules
Standing Rules may be adopted by the Board and shall have the same force and effect as these Bylaws and the policies and rules of the Wilmette Golf Club.